Twins Prenatal Seminar

On Zoom

Multiples Prenatal Seminar

$60 (per couple)

MULTIPLES: The unique challenges, the unique rewards. Special 2-hour seminar for people expecting twins or triplets or more!

More than one baby? Don’t worry! This 2-hour workshop is an add-on to regular prenatal classes, specially designed for people expecting twins, triplets, or more!

This seminar addresses considerations specific to multiples during labour and birth such as common medical concerns, birth order, prematurity, and unexpected outcomes, as well as parenting issues such as breastfeeding more than one baby, sibling relationships, essential vs useless gear, and managing the day to day challenges of multiple babies. Double the trouble or double the pleasure? Life with multiples can be much more enjoyable when you know what to expect.

$60 ~ Per couple

11am - 1pm

Childbearing Society graduates and current clients use code 20OFF for $20 discount from fee.

Note that if there are too few people to run the seminar, we can offer it as a private class at the Private Class rate ($75/hour)

*Price too high? We aim to make our classes accessible to everyone. Please contact us about our low income rates and our single mother rates.

Seminar for expectant parents of twins - Childbearing Society